Blogs > Lighten Up with Christy

Christy Bielek of Mentor participated in Lighten Up in 2013, but said she wanted to come back to finish what she started in 2014.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

w/o 2-17

So another week gone by and yay for me - I'm down to 8 lbs. lost.  The workouts at Lean living have definitely kept me moving and I also do water workouts at Heisley twice a week.  So the moving is there; just need to stay motivated in the healthy eating area.  I want to be a little more creative in making meals that aren't so boring.  I found that some recipes in an eating clean magazine help to bring some different flavors to the plate and keep the calories and variety of veggies and fruit in the menu.  I just can't seem to drink enough water every day - I need to really focus on hydration more so I can get those 8 or more cups in me every day.  Sometimes I feel like I just can't swallow another drop!! I am looking forward to the weigh-in on Saturday - hopefully there will be additional pounds to add to those already gone!! 

The dinners at Cabana's have been great!!  Looking forward to trying something new each time I go.  Hopefully I can get some flavor ideas for home when I try new things at the restaurant.

BIG THANKS this week go to Jess at Lean Living.  She makes a struggle with exercise a little easier to do because she has such a great personality, she is a wonderful mentor and motivator when it comes to working out, and most of all because she is a cheerleader for each and every one of us that work out with her!!  She is the reason I return each time to keep this process going forward!!

Til next time - Hope all my comrades are doing well and making progress.  KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!


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